DMFV FPV Lab 2023.1 – FPV Team and Spec Race English

In am 29. Juli 2023

With the label “DMFV FPV Lab” we’ll mark events that are dedicated to test and evaluate new event types for future Competitions

  german  For german Version click -=HERE=-

In collaboration with the MFV Weilmünster e.V. we’ll host the first DMFV FPV Lab event this year.

Scope of this event is the testing and evaluation of new FPV racing disciplines to get some fresh air blown through our stacks.

From September 9th to 10th we’ll host the first dual competition event on MFG Weilmünster model aviation airfield.

Saturday will be designated to team racing. In 60 minute long heats teams have to compete in continous operation to finish as much laps as possible. This requires batterie, drone and pilot swaps while the heat is live.

At Sunday we’ll  take a look at spec racing. With a minimum take of weight, specified props to be used and the special BetaFligh KAACK branch, including rpm limit, we’ll compress the  power of the pilots drones to a more compareable level. In addition the rpm limit of KAACKs modified BeteFlight will force pilots to new lines and flight styles.

Detailed rules will be published in the upcomming days.

Keypoints Event:

Date: 09. + 10. September 2023

Location: Model aviation airfield MFG Weilmünster -=Google-Maps=-

Starting fees: TeamRacing 15€ per Pilot
Starting fees: SpecRacing 15€ per Pilot
Starting fees: Kombiticket 20€ per Pilot

Camping at the field is possible

Food: The club will fire up the BBQ through out the day. Small breakfast for pilots might be available depending on the request/amount of campers.


Teams consists of max. 4 persons
Heats will last 60 minutes
Per heat each team is allowed to hav max. 12 drones available
VTx switches or PitMode on a switch is highly recommended 😉
Rules in V0.1 -=LINK=-


6s recommended (4s has a power deficit!)
minimum take-off weight 500g
Betaflight KAACK with rpm limit (likely 18k)
Specified props (HQ R37)


Only analog FPV and HDZero will be allowed on both races!!!

Registration will open at August 14th 08:00 pm GMT+2 to give you some time to find a team
Registration will close at August 27th 11:30pm GMT+2 to allow us for some alternate planing in case not enough teams have registered
The format requires at least four teams to be “meaningfull”. In case we do not get enough registrations we’ll replan the Saturday and let you know what to be expected.

Flyer small 1

Team Race

Anmeldung aktuell geschlossen!

Registration currently closed!

Spec Race

Anmeldung aktuell geschlossen!

Registration currently closed!