Information for IMAC Eurocup Germany in Plattling

In am 18. Juli 2024

Dear pilots,

in one week the final Eurocup contest of 2024 takes part in Germany in Plattling.

Here you can find some informations about the contest:

The arrival will be possible from Wednesday (but no training!). Please park at the camping as close as possible to allow all pilots to camp at the place.

At the campsite will be water and toilets, but no shower or electricity.

Starting from Friday, there will be a breakfast and drinks and meals during all the day. On Saturday evening there will be a dinner with typical local food.

Here you can find the schedule for the contest:

Time Schedule

And here is the link to the club and the link to the maps:

Google Maps Link

And here you can find the final list of registered pilots:

Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 20 um 12.36.30Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 16 um 18.42.17Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 16 um 18.42.27Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 16 um 18.42.36Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 16 um 18.42.45

See you next week

Jürgen & William