Registration for German EAC contests

In am 18. Januar 2018

Hi all,

as the dates for the upcoming EAC series is fixed, it’s time for registration:

Please note, the maximum number of pilots will be

Fliegergruppe Hochtaunus 04/05.08: 32  – FULL

MFV St.Johann 14/15/16.09: 38 – FULL

If the maximum number of pilots will be completed, the upcoming registrations will be placed on waiting list.

The payment of the starting fee has to be completed 4 weeks before the contest, otherwise your place will be given to a pilot from the waiting list.

The saturday evening buffet at the first german contest will be only available by registration and payment in advance. The buffet will include:

  • Roastbeef in dark sauce
  • Pork loin in cream sauce
  • Spätzle (Swabian nudels)
  • mixed vegetables
  • mixed green salad

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Best regards


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